HNTG Progress Association Wins Grant to Revamp Tea Gardens Pool

HNTG Progress Association President and Secretary Bruce Murray and Sandra Bourke, with Myall Masters Swimming Club President Leon Bobako, in front of the soon-to-be replaced timer.

POOL safety and lap-time performance will be better assured next season, with a successful grant application by the Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association for funds to revitalise the Tea Gardens Pool.

The HNTGPA’s submission for the federal government’s ‘Stronger Communities Program – Round 8’ grant has garnered the maximum $2500, to be used for improvements including a new big lap timer, and marker flags in the Myall Masters’ colours of blue, white and grey.

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The same grant round was also won last year by HNTGPA, which was used for audiovisual equipment.

“This adds to the total of $130,000 that has been raised this recent financial year by the progress association, 100-percent of which has been spent on community projects,” Sandra Bourke, HNTGPA secretary, told News Of The Area.

“We will carefully remove the old timer, repair and clean it up, thanks to Michael O’Brien, and relocate it on the side of the plant-room hut, enabling access to one at either end of the pool,” said Sandra.

“It’s really good for shortsighted people like me, to have one at the back of the pool, and the new one is easier to see from afar,” said Myall Masters Swimming Club president Leon Bobako.

“MidCoast Council has also been very supportive of the pool grants, providing the necessary written permission, as well as enabling safe volunteer access for the winter working bees, three of which have already occurred, the next is set for Thursday, 20 July at 10am,” HNTGPA president Bruce Murray told NOTA.

“The improvements offer precise timing, performance measurement, and valuable training advantages, [for everyone] from learn-to-swim squads, to swimming carnival trainers, and the 45 active members of the Myall Masters,” Mr Murray added.

The improvements will especially assist learn-to-swim classes for local children, the HNTG SLSC Nippers and members, the Myall Masters, and the ‘Teabags’ seniors’ group, all of whom regularly swim and race at the pool, which is also popular with visitors in holiday periods.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

The proposed, more easily visible, design for the new pool lap timer.

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