HNGC Social Club fishing competition splashes out

Social Club fishing competition winners (L-R) Clint Harris, Levi Peters, Michelle Cole and Brenda Edwards show off their catches.

NOTHING got away from the Hawks Nest Golf Club (HNGC) Social Club’s fishing competition, which ran from Friday 16 August to Sunday 18 August in and around the pristine waters of Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest.

The HNGC Social Club, which was founded 40 years ago on the basis of social interaction, currently sports 47 members, partaking in golf, darts and fishing.

“This is an open competition,” Weighmaster Clint Harris told NOTA.

“We like to use the natural assets of the area – go out on the river, the beach, the bay, or up into the lakes.

“Winners are determined by number and weight of their catch.”

The adventures upon the local waters took place any time between 4pm Friday and 4pm Sunday, by which point the eskies had to be packed and on the patio at the Golf Club.

Some went out pre-dawn, others a bit later, while some stayed out angling until after sunset, often dictated by the tides, and they brought back a healthy haul of the ocean’s bounty, but the competition is really more about the social aspect.

“We use sustainable half-bag limits, under the Department of Primary Industry guidelines, which also encourages other people to try and weigh in,” explained Club Vice President Darby Neville.

“Nothing is wasted, the recreational catches go to the dinner table, or to helping others who cannot fish, but appreciate a fresh, locally-caught fish meal.

“It’s not about the prizes – more about coming out, being social, welcoming all levels.

“We want to promote the activities to families and kids, too – we even have a Juniors fishing competition.”

Men’s winners were Clint Harris (1st) and Levi Peters (2nd), while the Ladies winners were Michelle Cole (1st), and Brenda Edwards (2nd).

Clint took out the overall highest score, which included an elusive red goatfish, usually found in deeper waters, but this one was pulled out of only ten metres depth.

The Club also runs darts every Thursday at 7pm at the Golf Club, and will celebrate its 40th anniversary next month.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

An elusive red goatfish was caught in unusual waters during the competition.

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