Help create a safer, more inclusive and accessible Port Stephens

Port Stephens Council employees and Mayor Ryan Palmer taking part in a wheelchair challenge to create more awareness about the challenges people face when completing everyday tasks.


PORT Stephens Council is calling on the community to provide feedback on their lived experiences to help create a more socially inclusive, accessible and liveable place for all as part of the Community Wellbeing Strategy.

Port Stephens Mayor Ryan Palmer says that Council is taking a holistic view of wellbeing.

“Wellbeing is all about feeling safe, included and able to participate in your local community. Wellbeing is something we want for all of our people — that’s why we’re working on a strategy to create a more liveable place for all,” he said.

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“This strategy will help us continue to create a place that fosters positive attitudes and behaviours for people of all abilities and backgrounds.”

Mayor Palmer is encouraging the community to have their say and complete the survey before Friday 14 May 2021.

“We want to hear from our community about how safety, accessibility, inclusion, housing security, contribute to and impact on their wellbeing.

“We’d particularly like to hear from people living with a disability and disability service providers about what matters most to them to make sure our actions will make a real difference.

“Your individual experiences and stories will help inform our strategy and make sure we are equipped to create safe, welcoming, liveable places and spaces across our region,” he said.

Council’s Community Development and Engagement Coordinator Amber Herrmann says community feedback is central to understanding and meeting the needs of our community.

“To be successful, we’re preparing this strategy in consultation with our community and our employees to reflect the needs of the population and visitors to the region.

“We’re also undertaking an internal awareness campaign to ensure accessibility and inclusion are front of mind for our people at Council.

“We recently held a wheelchair challenge in our Administration Building to give our employees, leaders and Mayor first-hand experience living with a disability. This helped create more awareness about the challenges people face when completing everyday tasks,” she said.

The survey is open until 5pm Friday 14 May 2021 and every survey participant has the chance to win 1 of 4 gift vouchers valued at $50.

Complete the survey:

· online at

· pick up and complete a paper copy in person at Port Stephens Council Administration Building, Tomaree Library and Community Centre or Raymond Terrace Library

· complete a paper copy and return via email or post:

PO Box 42 Raymond Terrace NSW 2324

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