Heart of the Haven: Jennifer Peters

Jenny Peters (seated) with Olwen Williams volunteering at the recent Laurieton Riverwalk Markets.

MANY of our readers will know Jenny Peters, this week’s Heart of the Haven.

Growing up in Normanhurst, Sydney, Jenny moved to the Camden Haven in 1981 with her late husband.

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Upon arrival Jenny worked for a travel agency in Port Macquarie and helped out her husband at the Dunbogan Boatshed, during which time she joined the Camden Haven Chamber of Commerce, known then as the Progress Association.

In January 1983, Jenny was employed at Camden Haven Travel and bought into the business in 1986.

She worked at the local travel agent until June last year.

If you want to know anything about travel, Jenny has seen many sights across the globe and is full of useful tips.

Her support for the local community does not stop there however.

Jenny has been a long term member of both Quota and Rotary service clubs, and continues to take an active role to this day.

A passionate advocate for local business, Jenny and her husband John can often be found around town supporting various events and venues.

Jenny also supports the women’s refuge in Port Macquarie by packing bags for women and children in need; she has delivered eight such packs in the last few weeks.

In her time with the Chamber she has held every role possible, from President to Secretary.

For the past decade she has served as the organisation’s Public Officer.

If Jenny had one wish for the Camden Haven community, what would it be?

“To see Community at 3 buy the motel,” Jenny said.

“Which means all the people who need help can receive it right here in the Camden Haven.”

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