Hearings underway for Martins Creek Quarry appeal

Many in Paterson are not pleased with Daracon’s plans for the quarry site or the village.

DARACON’S appeal for approval of the proposed expansion of the Martins Creek Quarry continues, with hearings now underway and continuing until 28 March.

On 17 March, the public portion of the case hearings were held at Tocal Hall.

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The commissioners heard from seven local speakers representing the Paterson/Martins Creek community.

After the hearing, the commissioners, solicitors for all parties and expert witnesses toured the quarry site and the proposed haulage route.

After day one, the hearings continued in Sydney where both sides were able to testify.

On day three of the hearings, Daracon revealed plans to upgrade Paterson to make it more truck friendly.

These plans include putting a pedestrian island on the post office corner, less on-street parking and building a new parking lot next to the Paterson Country Café.

This is the latest in a series of cases and appeals regarding the quarry expansion and its output over the last ten years.

Project opponents say the expansion would affect the village’s way of life due to the amount of truck traffic set to travel through the main street of both towns.

They have also raised concerns over environmental and health impacts arising from the extraction process.

The Martins Creek Quarry Action Group have represented the broader community throughout the proceedings.

“The Commissioners for the Land and Environment Court are reviewing the merits of the proposal and the parties are calling and cross examining various experts in traffic, civil engineering, acoustics and social impacts among others,” Action Group president Luke Barker told NOTA.

“The community is relying on the Court to dismiss the appeal and uphold the Independent Planning Commission’s February 2023 decision to refuse the proposal.”

Public submissions on the appeal are open until 26 March.


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