HEAR from world-renowned orchid experts at Woolgoolga District Orchid Society’s free Orchid Workshop on Sunday.
13 November.
Hosted at Woolgoolga Public School, Yeates Hall, 1-11 Scarborough Street, Woolgoolga, the workshop will be officially opened by Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh at 9am, with the event concluding at 3.30pm.

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“Exciting news,” Club President Neville Anderson told News Of The Area.
“Our keynote speaker this year is orchid expert and much sought-after and renowned international speaker, David Banks.”
David has lectured extensively throughout Australasia, overseas and particularly America.
He has written many articles for Orchids Australia, and is an acclaimed orchid photographer and author.
Until recently David was Editor of the Australian Orchid Review.
“Making a return appearance is Ray Clement of Tinonee Orchids, who will be speaking on general orchid culture along with how to handle the unusual weather we have experienced this year.”
Gary Yong Gee, a prolific photographer of orchids, will also speak at the event.
Gary’s foray into orchid photography began nearly 40 years ago resulting in a collection of over 100,000 orchid photos taken in-situ on his extensive travels around the world.
“Another interesting speaker who we have been able to entice down here for the first time is John Roberts,” said Neville.
“John is an extremely well-known orchid identity in South East Queensland with a wealth of knowledge about Australian Native species, Paphiopedilums and Exotic species.”
John is a long serving judge of both the Australian Orchid Council (AOC) and Australasian Native Orchid Society (ANOS).
A question-and-answer segment will provide visitors with the opportunity to ask specific questions.
“So if you are experiencing trouble growing a particular orchid, bring it along for an opportunity to ask the experts for advice.”
Free morning and afternoon tea will be available.
“Bring a picnic lunch to have on the school grounds or head downtown for a bite to eat,” Club spokesperson Jennifer Lock told NOTA.
“Enter our fantastic raffles and sit on a lucky seat to win some great prizes.”
An array of the speakers’ orchid plants will be on sale.
“For a chance to win a $50 or $30 prize, bring along just two orchid plants in flower, to be judged by popular vote,” said Jennifer.
The four guest speakers will each select a plant they think worthy of a prize.
The owner of those plants will receive $20 each.
“Woolgoolga District Orchid Society has run a number of very successful workshops over the past 24 years which were very well received,” said Neville.
“The purpose of the workshops is to encourage new growers providing them with valuable and interesting information on how to grow their favourite orchids.”
The Workshop is open to everyone, simply arrive on the day.
For further information please contact Jennifer Lock on 0447 323 761 or send an email to jen.lock@bigpond.com.