Healthy aging roadshow a success

Shelley Craft at the Coffs Harbour CWA. Photo: Palin Communications.

TELEVISION personality and co-host of The Block Shelley Craft, joined Dr Lisa Beecham in Coffs Harbour as part of an initiative to bring health education to regional communities.

The Healthy Ageing Roadshow is a partnership between GSK Australia and the Country Women’s Association (CWA).

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It was hosted by the Coffs Harbour CWA on Wednesday, 31 July.

Key health topics covered included the effects of age-related immunity decline (ARDI), having better conversations with doctors, managing chronic conditions and viral diseases, and the importance of nutrition, exercise, well-being and community connections.

Ms Craft, who is a northern NSW local, says that tapping into the knowledge of health experts like Dr Beecham, is key to empowering aging, rather than shying away from it.

“As someone who is approaching 50, I am passionate about empowering a healthy approach to getting older – one that moves away from negativity and fear to celebrating and embracing this exciting life stage,” she said.

“Knowledge and information are key to this.”

“Healthy aging is not about anti-ageing”.

“Aging is inevitable and we each have the power to better understand and enjoy all the wonderful things that come with getting older.”

According to Danica Leys, CEO of the CWA NSW, the roadshow is an example of how community-level initiatives can drive health education with practical advice and resources.

“Regional communities face unique health challenges,” she said.

“By bringing comprehensive health information directly to our regional communities with the Healthy Ageing Roadshow, we hope to support our members in northern NSW, and the broader community, in addressing some of the individual challenges they may experience head-on.”

Alan Paul, Executive Country Medical Director for GSK Australia, said that this campaign harnesses a shared focus on positively impacting our communities.

“We are pleased to play a small role in supporting the broader work of the Country Women’s Association of NSW in enhancing the lives of local communities in regional NSW and beyond.”

By Andrew VIVIAN

Participants practice simple exercises.

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