Hawks U15s face defeat to Muswellbrook in close encounter

Hawks’ #13 making one of many great runs to score a try.

THE Myall River Hawks U-15 girls tackle team played out a tight match against the Muswellbrook Rams at home on Myall Park on Saturday 28 July.

The Hawks embarked on a sustained attack from the get-go.

The first try of the game came soon for the Hawks’ #6, who brushed off three defenders as she zig-zagged from the centre to the left side and scored.

Solid defence from both sides kept the ball around the middle third of the field for a period, including the Hawks #4 making some good tackles on bigger opponents.

Gaps in the Hawks’ defence let two Muswellbrook tries through, as the determination of the visiting side shone through, who took the field with only ten players.

The Hawks’ inability to score again before half-time was completely outshone by their second half efforts, which saw their #13 take the ball, glide past defenders, and dive in for her first try of the game, before kicking the conversion herself.

The ensuing kick-off resulted in Hawks’ #6 dodging multiple Muswellbrook players, and grounding the ball at the base of the uprights, setting up another comfortable conversion.

She soon found another gap to scoring another try, which was converted again by #13.

Muswellbrook began to claw their way back however, with a try in the far right.

The Hawks’ #13 then performed her signature duck-and-weave manoeuvre to cross the line for her second try of the game, then convert it.

With mere minutes to go, Muswellbrook scored another try, but chose to forgo the conversion in favour of saving time to make another run at the tryline, as it was the only way they might bridge the Hawks’ lead of 28-24.

The Hawks kept them back off the line, but with seconds left before the siren, the Rams battered through the line and managed to score close to the posts.

The ensuing conversion sailed through the posts, and the Rams were ultimately victorious, 28-30.

All spectators agreed it was an awesome game, and the Hawks girls should not feel disheartened – their scoreline was much, much closer than the last engagement, and they have done very well this season.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

Hawks’ #13 diving in to score her second try near the post.

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