Hawks Nest Ladies Golf

Sue Brownrigg and Di Davis, Saturday’s Winners.

JULY 18th

Saturday golfers were rugged up and prepared for rain as they teed off in Round 1 of the Ladies Short Course Championship. Fortunately, the winds eased and the sun came out later in the day, so the 46 starters stayed dry. There was an absolute birdie fest out there today: 2 of our ladies scored 2 birdies each in their rounds, Di Davis on the 10th and the 16th; Marguerite Miller chipped in twice for birdies on consecutive holes, the 16th from 20 metres out, and 17th; Jo Scott birdied the 10th, and Robyn Keegan the 4th. Well played ladies!

Results for Saturday 13th July 2024 Ladies Short Course Round 1

A Grade: 1st Di Davis on 70; 2nd Evelyn Potts 71 C/B; 3rd Ros Gianacas 71

B Grade: 1st Sue Brownrigg 69 (best net score of the day); 2nd Elsa Jones 71 C/B; 3rd Sue Campton 71

Place Getters (73-77): Angela Clipperton, Margeurite Miller, Julie Hammond, Jo Buttrey, Dale Matthews, Deb Gardner, Deb Matheson, Barb Birmingham, Dawn Wiggans, Robyn Deppi, Jo Scott and Michelle Osborne

Best Gross Scores: A Grade: Annie Benton on 84 C/B; B Grade: Sue Campton 92

The Ladies Short Course Championship continues with round 2 being played next Saturday.

Tuesday Ladies 18 Hole 2BBB Event

This event is sponsored by Mumms on the Myall, and is played over 2 weeks. It’s always a very popular round in the calendar with prize vouchers for delicious dining at Mumms for the winners.

However, the strong, blustery winds saw a much smaller field of 49 tee off, and conditions were tough out there for many players.

Results for Tuesday 2BBB 16th July 2024

1st Sue Nicholson and Marcia Smith on 46; 2nd Janet Olsen and Jeanette Patfield 45; 3rd Karen Brennan and Sue Fordy 44.

Place Getters (43-41): Elsa Jones & Jo Scott; Ann Morris & Barb Birmingham; Deb Gardner & Lorraine Bragg; Denise Sainty & Judy Gilbert; Jan Ziebell & Judy Benson; Carol Maher & Carol Wiggins.

NTP 10th Hole: Tanya Sinclair

Lady Vets 9 Hole Event

8 ladies teed off today, with Di Lindstrom finishing an impressive 3 shots in front of the pack in the blustery conditions.

Results Lady Vets 9 Hole Stableford 16th July 2024

1st Di Lindstrom on 20; 2nd Catharine Berger 17; 3rd Ann Browning 15

Thursday Lady Vets

A modest field today, with 44 ladies teeing off on a crisp winter’s morning. Ann Browning was on fire, with a chip in on the 9th on her way to a clear win today. Other chip ins from Marcia Smith on the 1st and Robyn Keegan on the 14th. Deb Dummett birdied the 4th with a long putt where, with a par already guaranteed and nothing to lose, she just hit it straight in. Just like that! It pays not to overthink things sometimes.

Results for Lady Vets Thursday 18th July 2024

1st Ann Browning -6; 2nd Viv Ballinger -4; 3rd Judy Benson -2; 4th Lorraine Bragg 2; 5th Mim Murdoch 4

Kudos to all who braved the elements this week, you’re true golfers!

By Dianne BOWES

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