Hawks Nest Ladies Golf

Carol Wiggins, Annie Benton and Jo Scott are June Monthly Medal Winners.

SATURDAY’S fixture was washed out again, which was frustrating for the ladies.

Tuesday, however, was a lovely day on the course and 45 players teed off under sunny skies. Today’s event was a Monthly Medal Stroke Round, so it was good to see so many starters.

Results for Tuesday 6th June 2024

A Grade: 1st Annie Benton on 72 (best score of the day); 2nd Cheryl Foster 73 C/B; 3rd Deb Matheson 73 C/B

B Grade: 1st Carol Wiggins 74; 2nd Jo Collins 75 C/B; 3rd Di Bowes 75

C Grade: 1st Jo Scott 75; 2nd Sue Brownrigg 77 C/B; 3rd Barb Birmingham 77 C/B

Place Getters (73-78): Ann Syme, Helen Haynes, Marcia Smith, Dawn Wiggins, Denise Sainty, Karen Serhan, Sharon Barwick and Trish Sattler.

Gross Winners: A Grade: Helen Haynes on 83; B Grade: Di Davis 106; C Grade: Sharon Barwick 113
NTP Hole 5: A Grade: Helen Haynes; C Grade: Jane Harvey

Chip Ins: Sharon Barwick chipped in for a birdie today. Other chip ins from Marg Bonney (1st hole), Deb Matheson (2nd hole) and Di Davis (13th hole) Today’s winner came very close twice in a round where her chipping was a feature, well done Annie.

Special congratulations to 2 of our most recent graduates from Give Golf A Go who feature in the winners today: Jo Scott, her first time as C Grade Medal Winner; and Jane Harvey for her first NTP on the 5th.

Lady Vets 9 Hole Stableford Event: 1st Judy Gilbert on 17; 2nd Ann Browning 13 C/B; 3rd Betty Clinch13 C/B
Also this week, congratulations to Liz Edmunds who won Division 4 at the Tuncurry Ladies Open Day. Hawks Nest was well represented at this very enjoyable day, with 17 players competing in a field of 143.

Match Play Update: We’re getting down to the wire now, and at the time of writing Denise Sainty will play the winner of the Jo Buttrey/ Fran Henderson match. Denise won through to the final after an epic 22 hole battle with Helen Haynes, so there’s no doubt that the last games will be hard fought for the Match Play honours.

Thursday’s Lady Veterans 9 Hole Competition was a little wet underfoot after an overnight storm, but a good field of 50 ladies teed off today. We welcomed Nikki, a visitor from Dungog, and our newest member, Trish Campbell in her first vets competition.

Results for Thursday 6th June 2024: 1st Pat Marr on -3; 2nd Marg Bonney 0 C/B; 3rd Pauline Barham 0; 4th Julie Freeland 3 and 4th Viv Ballinger 4.

NTP 3rd Hole: Division 1 Ann Morris; Division 2 Carol Wiggins; Division 3 Kate Brown

NTP 16th Hole: Division 2 Marlene Stokes; Division 3 Robyn Keegan

Chip Ins to Liz Ross (4th hole with a tricky temporary green), Colleen Inskip (14th) and Di Vercoe (14th)

By Dianne BOWES

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