Hawks Nest Bridge Club Results


AS covid restrictions ease we look forward to welcoming back many members returning to play bridge at our club house.

Members are currently midway through playing the Hawks Nest Bridge Club Handicap Championship games.

This series of games is one of the highlights of the bridge calendar and hotly contested.

Bridge lessons are continuing with Leslie Falla teaching Transition classes to those members who embarked upon his earlier beginners lessons.

Shayne Fuller continues with the Monday night free lessons for beginners which continue to be successful with plans by participants to join HNBC.

Contact Leslie Falla on 0413 487282 or Shane Fuller on 0468 621428.


Monday 18/10/21 1. Carol Richards & Sue Matheson 2. Liz Howarth & Davina O’Brien 3. Bea Treharne & Roy Song

Wednesday 20/ 10/21 N/S 1. Peter Baily & Beverley Richardson 2. Margaret Rowden & Sally Aldrich 3. Adrian Ryan & Eric White E/W 1. Shayne Fuller & Lyn Butler 2. Liz Howarth & Pam Jones 3. Susan Helsen & Sylvia Schmeding

Friday 22/10/21 N/S 1. Peter Baily & Gordon Morrison 2. Bea Treharne & Sue Morrison =3. Carol Richards & Jeanette Whalan =3. Elke Greenlagh & Gary Melrose

Monday 25/10/21 1. Chez Rands & Leslie Falla 2. Bea Treharne & Roy Song 3. Peter Baily & Gordon Morrison

Wednesday 27/10/21 N/S 1. Peter Baily & Beverley Richardson 2. Esther Digby & Shayne Fuller = 3. Adrian Ryan & Eric White =3. Sally Aldrich & Margaret Rowden

Friday 29/10/21 1. Elke Greenlagh & Gary Melrose 2. Bea Treharne & Sue Matheson 3. Dawn Dale & Jennifer Fowler.


By Elizabeth BUCKPITT

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