Have your say on the Our Water Our Future project

WHERE will your water come from in the future?

This is one of the burning questions the community is being asked to consider as work continues on MidCoast Council’s long-term water strategy, Our Water Our Future 2050.

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Council staff will be out talking to the community about the future of the region’s water over the next month.

Council’s Executive Manager of Water and Systems, Marnie Coates, said important decisions needed to be made and it was important for the community to be a part of this process.

She urged people to head to the Our Water Our Future project page at https://haveyoursay.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/our-water-our-future to provide input.

“With a changing climate and a growing population, our water supply systems are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of drought,” said Ms Coates.

“We need to increase the amount of water we can supply from these systems so we can continue to provide clean, safe drinking water to the community into the future.

“Do we build a dam or a desalination plant to boost our water supply?

“How much wastewater should we recycle each year to keep our sports fields and outdoor spaces green?

“And how much are people willing to pay to have access to these improved services?

“These are the kinds of questions we’re asking the community to answer.”

The input gathered online and in-person will be considered by Council’s water planning team as they prepare the draft strategy.

“Water is essential to everyone and that’s why we want everyone to be a part of this important conversation,” said Ms Coates.

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