Have your say on Council draft policies

MIDCOAST Council is seeking community feedback on several draft policies during September.

The Draft Barking Dog (Animal Noise) Policy outlines a structured, consistent and transparent approach for people affected by animal noise.

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The Draft Control of Open Burn Policy aims to manage open burning activities to protect local and regional air quality, local amenity and human health.

The policy allows pile burning on certain land use zones without the need for an application to Council. It also outlines an application process for anyone seeking approval to burn on other land zones.

The Draft Rezoning Application Policy provides a framework for processing a planning proposal. The policy applies to land owners, developers, Council and public authorities.

The Draft Tree Maintenance on Council Managed Land Policy provides an approach to manage risks associated with trees, while also acknowledging the aesthetic and environmental benefits they bring.

Council encourages anyone interested in these policies to provide feedback.

Submissions are open until Wednesday 5 October at 4:30pm.

To read the draft policies and submit feedback, please visit https://haveyoursay.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/current-draft-policies-public-exhibition

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