Have you considered running for Nambucca Valley Council?

Nambucca Valley Council elections will be held in September 2024.

AN ELECTION to determine the next Mayor and councillors of Nambucca Valley Council will be held on 14 September 2024, with registrations for candidates currently open.

There are some important dates for prospective candidates to remember.

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According to the NSW Electoral Commission, all candidates and the electors who nominate them need to be registered to vote by 6 pm on 5 August 2024 within the local government electorate they intend to vote or stand.

Nominations cost $125 and can only be made between August 5 and 12pm (midday) on 14 August online or in person at an electoral office.

In the Nambucca Valley, the position of Mayor is ‘popularly elected’, meaning that voters make the choice of a Mayoral candidate on their ballot paper.

In some electorates, the Mayor is chosen by councillors after the general elections.

To stand for Council, each candidate will need to be nominated by at least two registered voters of the electorate for which they are standing.

A spokesperson from the NSW Electoral Commission said there are often mix-ups where nominating voters have not quite understood or are not up to date with their electoral details, so it is recommended that candidates supply up to five registered voters as nominating voters.

These nominating voters may be family or friends as long as they are registered voters in the relevant electorate.

It is possible to be registered to vote in an electorate where you do not reside but still pay rates, but this will need to be clarified with individual councils and all voters need to be registered to vote by 6pm on 5 August.

On election day it will only be possible for voters to vote in one local government electorate.

There are also rules for who is eligible to stand as a candidate.

Currently serving time for a conviction or those with past convictions for certain electoral-related offences are disqualified from candidacy.

“If in doubt, please seek legal advice prior to nomination as anyone found later to be ineligible for election will be dismissed later as information comes to light,” a spokesperson from the NSW Electoral Commission told prospective candidates in a recent webinar.

Election material, including websites and social media, are regulated between 5 August and the election on 14 September, 2024.

Prior to this it is possible to create and distribute material to announce intentions etc, but it is important to note that if fundraising is taking place, a candidate must be registered.

After this date (5 August) all election material must conform to government guidelines.

In the case of ‘How to vote’ material or any other literature to be distributed on election day, these must be registered and approved prior to the election.

Further details will be published on the NSW Electoral Commission’s website in coming weeks.

Nambucca Valley Council will also be hosting some candidate information sessions for those considering becoming a Councillor in July 2024.

Details are on the Nambucca Valley Council website.


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