Have a plan – Join the Coast Coast RFS Get Ready Day at Bunnings

RFS Get Ready activities with past and current Support Brigade members.

HAVE an emergency evacuation plan in place now, is the main message being shared by the Coffs Coast RFS Support Brigade at its Get Ready Day on Saturday 27 August at Bunnings Coffs Harbour.

“While the Bureau of Meteorology has predicted a La Niña event for the Spring Summer 2022, the planning for bush fire isn’t too far removed from planning for water inundation or flood,” Chris Bryant, Captain of the Coffs Coast RFS Support Brigade told News Of The Area.

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“Once you have that plan you can prepare for nature’s worst,” she said.

Tasked with a community education and engagement role, the Support Brigade will be sharing dos and don’ts, protocols, preparation and planning advice along with taking enquiries about joining the RFS in any of its many roles.

“The Bunnings BBQ fundraising day will incorporate our Get Ready Day, and we will be helping people to make their Survival Plans, distributing information on various topics, explaining the new Fire Danger Ratings and how people can become involved with the RFS should they wish to.”

The team will be at Bunnings from around 8am until 3pm.

“There will be a fire truck for people to inspect and we’ll bring along little fire brigade uniform jackets to give children the opportunity to dress as a firefighter and have their photos taken with the truck.”

It’s not just the kids who are curious to see inside a truck however.

“On a previous event we hoisted a lady aged 72 into the truck and she had a wonderful time,” said Chris.

“People don’t realise how tall the trucks are.”

The Coffs Coast Support Brigade, founded in 2016, is a non-firefighting Brigade whose activities include: Community Education – school visits, community groups along with warning residents in fire danger areas; Radio

Communications both locally and within other areas when required; and Logistics – which includes transporting food, equipment and personnel to various areas especially in times of fire and other disasters.

“Even though we are a non-firefighting brigade we have dual members who are active fire fighters within their local brigades, so there is a spot to suit most people.

“We operate from the Coffs Fire Control Centre,” said Chris, who is also a fire-fighting member of RFS Repton where she has served for 35 years.

Bunnings Coffs Harbour Complex Manager, Josh Scells told NOTA, “This Saturday, 27 August, Bunnings Coffs Harbour will be hosting a Father’s Day event filled with lots of free activities for everyone to enjoy.

“Rural Fire Service NSW Coffs Harbour Fire Station will be back for the first time since Covid with their fire truck, information table on emergency preparedness and fun activities, as well as being behind the sausage sizzle raising much needed funds for the great work they do in our community.

“We also have Tony, our resident BBQ expert, cooking up delicious brisket and sharing his tips and tricks on low ‘n’ slow cooking and how to choose the best smoker or BBQ for your household.

“There will also be kids D.I.Y. workshops to make a gift for dad, supplier demos including AEG and Ozito, petting zoo, giveaways and more,” he said.


RFS Support Brigade will set up its education and experience event at Bunnings BBQ area on Saturday 27 August.

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