Have a ball with the Tilligerry Lions Club

Vinnies volunteers with some of their quality clothing.

IF you think that balls are old fashioned and a thing of the past, think again.

The Tilligerry Lions Club is running a ball with a difference on 27 May which is completely booked out!

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Proceeds from the Op Shop Ball will go to the jupiter Youth Counselling Service, which has its base office in the Kooindah shopping complex in Tanilba Bay.

The dress code is simple.

Those attending must be dressed in apparel purchased in op shops.

The items will be donated back to the charity stores after the Ball is over.

Local op shops carry an amazing range of designer clothing and after-five wear.

“We are told that older people go through their wardrobes and clean out anything they will never wear again or clothing they have ‘outgrown’,” Linley Keers, Tilligerry Lions Club explained.

“Also, those downsizing just haven’t the room for the mountains of items that have built up over the years.

“This results in a broad range of quality clothing available,” she said.

Prizes for ‘Fashions on the Floor’ will be a highlight of the night.

“Some of the young people in particular want to have fun and are dressing up in outrageous outfits.

“It’s a great night to let it all hang out and beat the winter blues,” she added.

The venue will be the Auditorium at Club Lemon Tree.


Lynley Keers from the Tilligerry Lions Club.

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