Gurmesh Singh launches campaign to Coffs supporters

Coffs Harbour Nationals turn out to support Gurmesh Singh at the launch of his March 2023 election campaign.

IN opening his campaign launch speech to more than 100 people gathered at Coffs Harbour Surf Club on Tuesday 7 March, Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh first acknowledged the lifetime of service to the community that the almost-30-year incumbent before him, Andrew Fraser, had delivered to Coffs Harbour.

For the region, as for the world, Mr Singh’s term as local member has been a four years like no other.

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“Looking back over the last four years, we’ve faced more than our share of adversity,” he said.

“But amongst that adversity, we’ve seen a lot of hope…for a better future for this generation and generations to come.”

Mr Singh spoke of the major achievements, as the National Party sees them, for Coffs Harbour.

“Our bypass construction has begun – and throughout the process, I’ve listened to the community and pushed for changes to be made along the way.

“We were the only party to commit to building tunnels, we were able to save the Scrub on Mackays Rd, and we will build the infrastructure required to enable the film studios.

“We’ve funded events like the Big Bash cricket and the NRL, bringing huge tourism dollars to our town and giving our kids the same opportunities to see world class athletes in action just like you can in Sydney.

“These events put heads on beds, fill seats in restaurants, and underpin our tourism and hospitality sector.”

Mr Singh noted numerous upgrades made to local sporting facilities, the stadium, the new hospital, two new ambulance stations, upgrades to TAFE campus, the first Indigenous language school in NSW, environmental habitats protected, a new RFS rescue helicopter based permanently at Coffs Harbour, the Bunker Cartoon Gallery upgrade, and the Wiigulga multipurpose centre.

In referring to the Jetty Foreshores development, Mr Singh said opportunities were being delivered for the community through “creating more parking and bringing in the restaurants, cafes and hospitality that residents and tourists expect in a precinct like that in a major regional city”.

“With the largest and most comprehensive survey ever done in Coffs Harbour’s history, I’m confident we’ve struck the right balance; people just want it improved and they’re sick of the political games.

“Housing availability and affordability is one of the biggest issues in all coastal areas, so while my opponents consistently vote against new housing in this area, we’re helping council deliver the infrastructure to bring thousands of new homes online, boosting the availability of new homes which eases pressure on prices,” he said.

“We’re easing the burden on family budgets with our cost-of-living measures.

“The Regional Seniors Travel Card has helped over 10,000 seniors in this electorate since 2020, and last month we rolled out the $250 Regional Apprentice and University Student travel card to help that group with the cost of their travel.

“The $150 per student back to school vouchers helped every family with their budget, as does the active kids and creative kids vouchers which will be interchangeable from next term.”

Mr Singh said if he is voted in again in the March 2023 election he would continue this work “to create a future where our communities are thriving, where jobs are plentiful, and where your children can grow up and follow their dreams”.

“Where grandchildren can live in the same town as their grandparents because we’ve created opportunities for their parents,” he said.


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