Gumbaynggirr artists the focus of Government funding for Coffs Regional Gallery

Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery. Photo: supplied by Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery.


A NEW project showcasing Gumbaynggirr artists is receiving $50,000 funding by the State Government, said Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh.

Coffs Harbour City Council is among seventeen Councils sharing in over $1.39m in arts funds through the NSW Government’s 2021-22 Local Government Authorities (LGA) latest funding round.

Mr Singh said our local project is called Yaam Gumbaynggirr Jagun: Here is Gumbaynggirr Country, Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery.

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“The gallery’s project will engage a First Nations curator to commission new artworks and curate an exhibition of emerging and established Gumbaynggirr artists,” Mr Singh said.

Jo Besley, Gallery & Museum Curator said, “When the Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery opened in 2001, one of the first exhibitions was Our Place – Images of Coffs Harbour, which brought together historical and contemporary artworks depicting Coffs Harbour, including artists such as Margaret Preston, Elioth Gruner, Sali Herman and Tom Carment.

“Yaam Gumbaynggirr Jagun has the potential to be a 21st century re-interpretation of this concept for an even more important milestone of the opening of a long-overdue cultural facility for the mid north coast of NSW.

“Yaam Gumbaynggirr Jagun will engage local, regional, national and international audiences with Gumbaynggirr arts and strengthen the reputation of the Coffs Coast as a creative region, with a high quality, confident and proud arts and cultural sector,” she added.

“Local arts and culture spaces are the lifeblood of the Coffs Coast, making a vital contribution to the liveability of our region and driving a sense of community and enjoyment of our everyday lives,” said Mr Singh.

Minister for the Arts Don Harwin said the NSW Government continues to support the arts and culture sector through this latest round of funding.

“This is testament to the important role arts and culture plays in our local communities,” Mr Harwin said.

For further information on arts, screen and cultural funding, including targeted support opportunities, visit the Create NSW website at




Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery.

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