Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann Expresses Concerns Over With Foreshore Development

Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann (r) joined Cr Jonathan Cassell in expressing scepticism over State Government plans for the Jetty Foreshore. Photo: Jonathan Cassell.

GREENS MLC Cate Faehrmann went on a fact finding trip last week from Bonny Hills, near Port Macquarie, to Yamba.

Ms Faehrmann was investigating what she calls inappropriate developments on the Mid North Coast.

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In Coffs Harbour she joined Coffs Harbour Greens Councillor Jonathan Cassell for a tour of the Jetty Foreshore.

With the latest survey results imminent and community interest over the proposed Jetty Foreshores development growing, the NSW Greens planning spokesperson was very keen to see for herself the extent of the government’s plans.

Ms Faehrmann had two key issues with current draft plans.

“Public land needs to be kept in public hands, not sold off to developers,” said Ms Faehrmann.

“The land alongside the railway track is public land and should remain so.”

Ms Faehrmann said there is a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create more community space for the growing Coffs Harbour population and for tourists, and, once this land is sold to private interests, the community will never get it back.

“NSW is losing more and more land, buildings and infrastructure to coastal inundation as a result of sea-level rise.

“Given the recent catastrophic weather events, all foreshore development built in the future needs to factor in sea level rise predictions.

“To build new residential areas in an area that may be potentially inundated within a few decades is irresponsible now and potentially grossly negligent in the future,” Ms Faehrmann said.

Councillor Cassell questioned if the government is taking notice of 2018 consultation survey results.

“In the 2018 round of community consultation the community showed a strong trend for support for no more than three storeys,” he said.

“However, in the current survey, people are being asked if they want six storeys or eight storeys – there is no mention at all of three storeys.

“The proposed development looks to be a brazen act of public land sell-off in a global game of monopoly.

“Of course progress is inevitable but this development is designed for developers to make a profit and not for the social benefit of the wider community,” Cr Cassell said.

“It’s vital that the community stay vigilant because we don’t want to see a concept plan, that appears to be part of a government plan to transform this land to residential, forced through.

“The land is well loved by locals and while there is desire for social infrastructure, any development at the Jetty must have a public benefit.”

By Andrew VIVIAN

2 thoughts on “Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann Expresses Concerns Over With Foreshore Development

  1. One would hope that if the majority of the community support the proposed draft Jetty Foreshore Plan, NOTA might put a si.ilar sized photo and equal written comment of a supporting Councillor and our Local hard working, Elected Representative Gurmesh Singh.

  2. Why with the council turnaround are we even still discussing multi story development east of the railway line at the Jetty. I thought the way some of the new councillors were speaking prior to being elected it would now be a dead issue or were some speaking with forked tongues as was suggested, remain vigilant, There is a short council term and those who misrepresented their real agendas are becoming evident?

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