Greens councillor eyes second term Dheera Smith eyes second term

Greens councillor Dheera Smith.

MONDROOK’S Dheera Smith will seek re-election to MidCoast Council on Saturday, headlining the Greens ticket.

A former high school teacher and journalist, Ms Smith was first elected to council in 2021.

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Her team’s campaign focuses around four main points: ‘Transforming our transport’, ‘Affordable homes for all’, ‘Marine protection and access’, and ‘Recycling waste upgrades’.

Ms Smith said roads and infrastructure are “huge concerns for residents of all ages”.

“We support accessible, active and electrified transport…Council must advocate for public electric buses, walking, cycling and mobility lanes between hubs and inside them.”

In a statement to NOTA, Ms Smith highlighted the need for urgent strategies covering “social, public and affordable housing”, as well as prioritising emergency accommodation.

“Council must commit to supporting existing domestic violence residency and getting new shelters set up for mums and children throughout the area.

“Medium density affordable homes are needed in our hubs for workers and elders.”

During her time on council, Ms Smith has been a vocal advocate for the protection of the region’s coastline.

“We need to pull back from profit seeking close to the edges and make sure visitors come into ecologically-preserved areas for their enjoyment… taking photos and leaving footprints, not SUV tracks and garbage,” she said.

“More rangers are needed on our eleven beaches to make sure New Years doesn’t leave us in tears.

“National Parks near our beaches must receive Council advocacy for better protection and help during the holiday season.”

Ms Smith is also campaigning for urgent upgrades to waste management programs.

“Landfills, methane gas retrieval and FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics) have been on Council’s schedule since 2019,” she said.

“With some waste reduction programs on hold for funding, it’s time for Council to use their economic development strategies to include waste upgrades.”

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