Grant funding ensures Nambucca Valley Radio continues to support the community

Some of the hard working volunteers that operate 2NVR are Ion Newcombe, Alan Collins, Elizabeth Newman, Donna Collins, Ben Walters, Sally Druitt, Frank de Groote, Beverly Gibbs and Elizabeth Routlege.

NAMBUCCA Valley Radio (2NVR) the district’s volunteer-operated community radio station, has taken another leap forward in their ability to support their community, obtaining a share of grant funding available through the NSW Government’s 2023 Community Building Partnership Program.

Under the program the Oxley electorate has secured $300,000 in funding across eighteen projects.

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In the case of 2NVR, who are also the custodians and occupants of the Tewinga Community Centre on Rodeo Drive, a grant of $14,100 has been secured.

“It is primarily an infrastructure grant and it will be used for the repair and maintenance of the Tewinga Community Centre that houses 2NVR,” the station’s Beverly Gibbs told News Of The Area.

“The facility will be painted internally and, if funds permit, externally, and repairs done to downpipes, guttering and plumbing, all much-needed work to keep the building serviceable for 2NVRs use.”

Beverly was highly complimentary of the staff at the office for Member for Oxley Michael Kemp, and praised their willingness to provide assistance in the compilation of the grant application.

Commenting on the success of so many organisations obtaining funding across the Oxley electorate, Mr Kemp said, “This is fantastic news for Oxley as this grassroots funding will directly help create a more vibrant and inclusive local community with positive social, environmental, and recreational outcomes.”

Now playing a significant role in the Nambucca Valley during times of natural disaster, 2NVR has also been successful in obtaining a grant through the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) under the Repair and Recover Stream that assist communities recover from disasters such as the fires and floods in the district’s recent history.

With the $16,615 granted to 2NVR the station will fund the Tewinga Community Centre Disaster Preparedness Project which will provide training to volunteers and fund disaster-related equipment.

Under the project up to 20 volunteers will undergo accredited first aid training and an external defibrillator will be purchased for the Tewinga Community Centre site.

A water tank, accessible to the Rural Fire Service, will be installed on the site.

Over 100 ‘Grab and Go’ bags will be purchased and distributed in the local community and to some 2NVR volunteers which will contain USB devices to be used for the uploading of essential documents in case evacuation is required.

The grant funding will also be used to purchase portable hand crank radios that are fitted with a USB charger and torch that can be used to receive emergency broadcasting in times of disaster in isolated areas.

“We feel that our success in being able to obtain these grants reflects that there is a broad understanding of just how hard our volunteers work to keep this community station on the air, particularly in times of disaster,” said Donna Collins, President of the 2NVR Committee on Management.

“We at 2NVR are particularly grateful to Beverly Gibbs for the effort she went to in taking these grant applications from being a great idea to actually materialising into funding that will strengthen our ability to support the community and raise the positive profile of the Nambucca valley’s own community radio station.”


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