Gordon Rutty will be walking through the Nambucca Valley to raise awareness for Transplant Australia

Help support Transplant Australia.


GORDON Rutty from Transplant Australia will be walking the ‘Walk to End the Wait’ trek from the Gold Coast to Sydney, a massive 900km.

He will be walking through the Nambucca Valley on Wednesday 23 June.

The aim of this walk is to raise awareness of Transplant Australia.

Gordons journey with Transplant Australia began after losing two close friends, one to a brain tumour and the other to cancer.

It was then Gordon decided it was time for him to make a difference.

After much research and endeavours to find a compatible recipient he decided to donate a kidney.

“I was admitted to hospital on the Tuesday.

“I awoke in the early hours of Wednesday morning thinking to myself, this is the most rewarding day of my life,” he said.

There are around 1,650 Australians currently waitlisted for a transplant and more than 12,000 additional people on dialysis, many waiting for a kidney transplant.

How can you help?

You can register as a donor at www.donatelife.gov.au, you can also inform your family and friends you wish to become a donor and or you can simply support Transplant Australia in order for them to help the recipients along their journey back to a healthy life.

What better way to support than to come and see Gordon Rutty as he walks through the Nambucca valley.

Gordon will be arriving at Elk on 38, 38 Wallace Street Macksville on Wednesday 23 between 9-9:30am.

This is a fabulous opportunity to walk or ride with him in support.

The Nambucca Valley Rotary Club will be showing their support on the day having members ride beside him and meet and greet him at Elk on 38 for refreshments.

“Now more than ever we need Australians to say YES to organ donation,” Mr Rutty said.

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