Golf Results for the week : Pacific Dunes Golf Club


Pacific Dunes Golf Club

Weekly Comp Results

Week Ending 31/07/16

Wednesday Men Individual S’ Ford

M. Edwards 35, B Spooner 33, G Weeks 32, R Coyte 31, A Pardavi 30 c/b, D Overend 30 c/b, G Sessions 30;

NTP 5th B McDougall, NTP 14th S Tuckwell

Thursday Ladies 1,2,3 S’ Ford

A Pardavi, P Sellick, M Carthew & M Airey 73;

F May, S Weeks, J Freeman, L Morey 71;

S Miller, J Kelly, J Valler, D Wood 69;

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0 – 35 Hcp NTP 5th L Overend, NTP 14th M Carthew, Long Drive 13th P Sellick;

36 – 45 Hcp NTP 5th J Kelly, NTP 14th L Morey, Long Drive 13th N Doohan.

Friday Black Tee Challenge

Brad Cooper 35, B Petersen 33 c/b, G Valler 33, I Robb 32, M Hampson 31 c/b

Saturday Individual Stableford

Men A Grade

I Buhler 41, P Gallagher 37 c/b, M Rota 37, A Miller 36, G. Blair 35 c/b, A Phillips 35

B Grade

D Overend 38, G Crossman 37 c/b, N Boyes 37, B Siebert 36, K Jones 35, K Cotter 33

NTP 5th D Lee, NTP 8th A. Miller, NTP 14th C Birrell, NTP 17th A Stunell


A Grade

L Overend 35, L Stuart 33

B Grade

J Nunn 28 c/b, C Hughes 28

NTP 5th J Nunn, NTP 14th L Overend

Sunday Individual Stableford

Ladies: J Nunn 31, L Stuart 28, J Thompson 25; NTP 14th D Wood;

Men: B Griffiths 35, B Stuart 34, R Forster 32 c/b, S Beasley 32 c/b, C Lehneis 32; NTP 5th M Rota, NTP 14th L Anderson.

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