Gloucester District’s gardeners talking ‘Permaculture at the Pub’

Talking gardening and permaculture at the Roundabout Pub.

WHEN the word “permaculture” is uttered, some readers might have a vision of someone clad in well-worn gardening gear, with an old tattered hat, clutching a freshly dug bunch of carrots or spuds.

Few would imagine a smartly dressed group, beers in hand, chatting animatedly at the local pub about gardening in general, and permaculture in particular.

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The idea of Permaculture at the Pub began three years ago when Will from Maplewood Permaculture at Paterson thought those interested in gardening and related issues might enjoy getting together in an informal situation for a friendly chat.

The idea quickly took root and now there are several towns hosting Permaculture at the Pub, including Gloucester.

“Held once a month in local pubs, it is a casual get together for anyone wanting to talk gardening, sustainability, self-sufficiency, compost, local community, and more,” said Will.

“There is no agenda, no tickets, no bookings – you drop in and stay for as long or as little as you like.

“Since 2022, Permaculture at the Pub has been connecting beginners, experienced growers, industry professionals, homesteaders, and more.”

The Gloucester event is organised by local Lauren McRae and is held at the Roundabout Pub on the first Wednesday of each month from 5.30pm.

“Our usual turnout is anywhere between 12-16 people, half regulars and half newcomers, which is lovely,” said Lauren.

“At this stage it’s just a casual catch up and chat with no guest speakers, as we want to keep it a social opportunity.

“We have discussed the idea of visiting each other’s gardens which might happen this year.

“Most people who attend are backyard gardeners, but we do have a few market gardeners attend, and a regular couple who drive up from Maitland, as well as other attendees from Paterson, Bulahdelah and Stroud.”

The next Gloucester Permaculture in the Pub will be on 5 February.


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