Glasshouse construction work almost complete at Coffs Botanic Gardens

Glasshouse – main entrance path – arid landscape garden leading into the green glasshouse.


WORK on the Botanic Gardens’ sparkling new Glasshouse is nearing completion, creating another must-see destination for visitors to the lush central Coffs Harbour gardens.

The dedication of both the volunteers and Coffs Harbour City Council staff ensured the project kept on track despite the rain and Covid restrictions.

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“Bringing the concept together has required many hours across a range of skills from design, construction, soil management, plant selection, irrigation and drainage,” Nola Miles, President of the Friends of the North Coast Regional Botanic Gardens told News Of The Area.

“Onsite, there was an enormous amount of manual labour that went into removing and replacing soil to ensure the best conditions for the plants which would eventually be on display.

“This subsurface drainage involved the placement of 140 tonnes of 20mm blue metal aggregate.

“This was done by hand due to access restrictions,” she said.

Work has also been undertaken away from the site with the design of the display and preparation of a range of plants to be included.

Some plants from the old glasshouse were tended by volunteers to keep them in prime condition for inclusion in the new glasshouse.

New plants have also been sourced to complement the new building.

“The Tropical house will display plants such as the lipstick palm (Cyrtostachys renda) – a truly tropical palm from Malaysia and Borneo.

“This would not normally grow in the Coffs Harbour climate even though we have a wonderful climate, it would also be too cold for some of the other species that have been selected.

“The shade house will display our extensive bromeliad and orchid collections along with a wide range of ferns and shade loving species.

“The completion of this modern climate-controlled structure will allow Coffs Harbour locals and visitors to view some extremely rare and unusual plant species.”

Nola said both the volunteers and council workers were really looking forward to seeing the display when the Glasshouse opens and encouraged everyone to make sure they visit to enjoy the new display.

“Once again, the commitment and collaboration between volunteers and Council staff has achieved a great result.

“It really is a team effort,” she said.

The Glasshouse is scheduled to be officially opened coinciding with the Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand (BGANZ) Botanic Gardens Day on 29 May.




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