Girls take part in Australian Rules development clinics

Girls take part in a handball drill.

AUSTRALIAN Rules girls footy continues to kick goals on the North Coast with over 40 participants turning out to be part of the first in the series of Force Girls Development Clinics.

This was the first ever session of its nature held locally and the fantastic response showed that the girls can’t get enough exposure to footy, even when the session is held on a hot Saturday morning more than two months before the season is due to begin.

Participants ranged in ages from twelve to seventeen, and in experience from first timers to experienced representative players.

The coaches catered for this by splitting into groups based on experience and ensuring that all of the players were able to build upon their current skills.

AFL NSW/ACT Development Lead, Matt Crawley, said that the response was overwhelmingly positive.

“You could see from the smiles on their faces just how much the girls were enjoying themselves,” he said.

“We had a number of girls who are new to AFL who found that the skills they’ve learned in other sports were instantly transferable to footy.

“These girls loved the chance to build those skill sets ahead of the season and are all committed to joining a club in 2023.

“Our experienced players really appreciated the chance to get together early in the pre-season, regain their touch and feel for the footy, and start to build their game sense.

“The format was a real winner and we expect to see the numbers continue to grow across the remaining sessions.”

Community Football and Competition Manager for Northern NSW, Paul Taylor, said he expected growth in the girls game this season.

“We had an exceptional response to the first of our Force Girls Development Clinics with over 40 girls coming along and having an absolute ball,” he said.

“The girls ranged from newcomers to experienced representative performers, with all learning and improving their games.

“Based on the response we’re already anticipating growth across both our Youth Girls 14 and 17 age groups, with likely additional teams in Nambucca, Port Macquarie, and the Northern Beaches (Woolgoolga).

Further sessions will be conducted prior to the start of the season, and you can follow AFL North Coast social media platforms to find out where and when.


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