‘Get Bushfire Ready’ at NSW RFS Get Ready Weekend on 19-20 September

Don Pattison lost his home to bushfire in 2019.


MIDCOAST Council is encouraging families and neighbours to pull together to prepare for bushfire season and to start a broader conversation about being prepared for all hazards, kicking off with NSW RFS Get Ready Weekend on 19-20 September.

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“The 2019/20 bushfire season was the most devastating bushfire season in NSW and MidCoast regional history. We have seen our community really pull together to help each other recover from the impact of these fires, and that is ongoing,” said Mayor David West.

“I am sure that as a community, and as individuals, we will all make an extra effort this year, to ensure everyone is prepared and has a bushfire emergency plan.”

Make sure you note Get Ready Weekend on the calendar on 19 – 20 September, and help each other get ready.

Local NSW RFS brigades will be throwing their doors open, or holding events to help you find information and Get Ready for the bushfire season ahead.

For more information on your local brigade event, and to get started on preparing for the season ahead, visit midcoast.nsw.gov.au/getready.

The MidCoast emergency hub, at www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/emergency has information to help MidCoast residents plan and prepare for a range of hazards, and be disaster ready.

While the focus for ‘Get Ready’ is on being prepared for future fire events, we know that many on the MidCoast are still recovering from the tragic impacts of the Black Summer fires which swept through our region in November last year.

For Don Pattison and Cheryl Pacey, MidCoast locals who lost their home at Caparra on Friday 8 November 2019 when the Rumba Dump fire spread out of control, the most important thing we can all do is to continue to support and encourage those in our communities who are still recovering.

Don says to those who are recovering, “If you reach out to your local community, I’m sure they will do what they can to help you.”

He encourages all those affected by the fires to seek out help, with checking the website link below a good start.

And Don says for those of us who are reaching out to people recovering, once is not enough.

“People will respond they are okay, but you need to go back (and check in) three, four, five, six times before they will say ‘you know what, I could do with a hand.’”

Don and Cheryl have shared their inspiring story of resilience, recovery and rebuilding their home with MidCoast Council.

For bushfire recovery assistance and to view Don and Cheryl’s story, please visit midcoast.nsw.gov.au/bushfirerecovery or call 7955 7777. If the videos, or reminders of the bushfires are causing issues for you, please call the Mental Healthline on 1800 011 511.

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