Geriatrician leads seminars on preventing dementia in Coffs Harbour

Geriatrician and dementia expert Dr Vaibhav Tyagi.

GERIATRICIAN and dementia expert Dr Vaibhav Tyagi is holding dementia education seminars this month in Coffs Harbour.

Dr Tyagi believes a lot can be done to prevent dementia; in particular, adjusting one’s eating habits.

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“Diet is a neglected part of treatment strategies against dementia,” he told News Of The Area.

“There was a MIND trial (Mediterranean Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) in 2015 in the US which followed people for four years eating superfoods – which led to a 30 percent reduction in the incidence of Alzheimers.”

These superfoods include wholegrains, strawberries, beans, leafy green vegetables, walnuts, fish cooked in olive oil and wine in moderation.

Less healthy types of food include margarine, too much red meat, fast foods, desserts and biscuits.

“I have up to 3000 clients on my database in the Coffs region and it’s ever increasing, and unfortunately, our health system doesn’t give incentives for prevention,” he said.

To combat the growing issue, Dr Tyagi is hosting education sessions, hoping people won’t shy away from asking questions face to face.

“Our dementia literacy is so poor that many employers, carers, non-professionals and business people who come across people with dementia are not aware if a person is struggling in a shopping centre that it could be from dementia.”

The next ‘Longevity’ sessions to promote positive ageing will be held on 14 and 28 September, held at 181 Rose Ave, Coffs Harbour from 10-11am.

Register by phoning 6650 0921 or 0434 863 701.


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