Galleries in the Gardens announce 2023 Anderson Award Competition

GALLERIES in the Gardens Inc, the Tea Gardens not-for-profit cooperative of local artists, has launched the 2023 Anderson Art Award competition.

Prizes of $3,000 in each of two categories are offered, as well as $500 Highly Commended awards.

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The categories are two-dimensional (2D) works (paintings, prints and photographs), and three-dimensional (3D) works such as sculptures.

Entries to the competition are open to anyone.

There is an entry fee of $25 for each artwork.

Entry forms and Conditions of Entry can be found on

“This award celebrates the magnificent contribution that Rob and Lee Anderson have made to the Arts on the Myall Coast over many years,” said Anderson Art Award Coordinator Ian Morphett.

“In 2017 they purchased the historic cottage at 81 Marine Drive on the Tea Gardens waterfront and offered it to the Galleries in the Gardens (GiG) cooperative of 50 local artists to operate as a not-for-profit art gallery.

“Celebrating its 5th anniversary in 2022, ‘The Gallery’ has been a great success with high visitation rates, many art sales and frequent return visits.”

An exhibition of the competition entries will be held in The Gallery from Friday 14 April until Sunday 30 April 2023.

Entry forms must be received by 5pm on Thursday 30 March 2023 and the artworks must arrive at ‘The Gallery’ no later than 4pm on Friday 31 March.

The Curatorial Committee of GiG will display the artworks in The Gallery and there will be an opening event on Friday 14th April where an eminent judge from the art world will announce their selection of the two winners and two highly commended pieces.

The exhibition will then continue until the end of April.

All entries will be for sale at prices nominated by the artists.

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