Fund your community or heritage project

APPLICATIONS are now open to apply for funding for community projects and heritage works.

MidCoast Council is offering a helping hand through its community donations funding round for projects to benefit the community.

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The annual donations program offers up to $2000 to assist organisations deliver community development and capacity building projects.

The seed funding program offers up to $10,000 over a two-year period, towards establishing self-sustaining activities.

“Active community groups play a vital role in strengthening our local communities by bringing people together, improving local facilities, providing training, skill development and more,” said MidCoast Mayor Claire Pontin.

“The community donations program is one way MidCoast Council can assist the community to achieve self-sustainability in their organisation.

“We’ve witnessed a range of innovative projects the money has helped fund over the years, and the positive difference it has made to our businesses and communities.”

Funding for heritage buildings is also available and is jointly funded by MidCoast Council and the NSW Government.

It typically offers assistance of up to $2,000, and in exceptional cases grants of up to $5,000 are available.

“Heritage buildings are an important asset to our community, attracting tourists, increasing pride in the community and giving us a sense of who we are and where we’ve come from,” added Mayor Pontin.

As part of the application process, eligible property owners must demonstrate their contribution to the project, as the grant cannot make up more than 50 percent of the total project cost.

The local heritage fund focuses on preserving our region’s heritage and creating sympathetic renovations and improvements to our buildings and places.

“This program has supported some wonderful restoration projects over the past five years and we’re excited to announce this funding opportunity for 2024,” Mayor Pontin said.

Applications for community donations funding open on Monday 27 February and close on Sunday 7 April, and the heritage funding round opens on Monday 27 February and closes on 1 May 2024.

You can find the funding criteria and application forms at

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