Full steam ahead for Probus Club of Port Stephens

Ann Gibson and Cheryl Rebrik are the only two women to have held the role of president with the club.

THE Probus Club of Port Stephens has conducted its AGM and Changeover Luncheon, welcoming new blood into leadership roles.

Outgoing President Rob Buchanan will hand the reins to the incoming Cheryl Rebrik.

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Cheryl is only the second female President in the club’s history, having welcomed women as members since 2011.

Ann Gibson, now the club’s publicity officer, was the first female president.

“President Cheryl addressed the 115 members and prospective members present,” said Ann.

“She then introduced the incoming committee and the all-important Activity Leaders and various other positions that are necessary to collectively carry this busy club forward.”

Bev Sinclair joins the leadership group as Secretary, with an Assistant Secretary position likely to be created.

Tirrel Graham will serve as Treasurer, while Marilynn Buchanan has stepped down after a six year stint as Membership Director.

Brenda Davie will fill this role.

Annette Howitt continues in the role of Mutual Interest Groups (MIG) Director.

The other Committee positions were filled by Christine Graham and Phil Dodd.

“It should be mentioned that Tirrel and Christine Graham have been running the BBQs for the last seven years or so, [which has now been] handed over to Alan Ritchie and Maureen Hands,” Ann said.

The Probus Club of Port Stephens is a social, mixed-gender organisation for retired and semi-retired people and meets on the second Thursday of the month at the Nelson Bay Bowling Club from 10.30am.

A guest speaker features at nearly every meeting.

“Visitors are welcome to come along and check out this friendly club,” Ann said.

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