From the Mayor’s Desk: Cr Leah Anderson Opinion Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 21, 2025 WE know how important safe and reliable roads are to our community. Through ongoing conversations with residents and businesses, my fellow Councillors and I know that well-maintained roads need to be the priority for Port Stephens Council. We’ve heard your concerns, and we’re taking action. The Port Stephens Roads Acceleration Program (RAP) will direct more than $20 million into the rehabilitation and repair of the Port Stephens road network. The RAP will bring together our current road funding and create a way to attract more money for road improvements across Port Stephens. Through the RAP, we’re investing $7.1 million from the Special Rate Variation to target road maintenance and upgrades. We’ve also secured $10 million in State and Federal grants to boost our efforts. But, with over 800kms of road to manage and maintain, there is still so much more to do. That’s why over the next few months, my fellow Councillors and I will be actively exploring additional savings and new funding sources to expand the RAP even further. As these opportunities arise, we’ll be talking to our community soon about potential funding opportunities that will allow us to build on this important program. We’ll also continue advocating to our State and Federal Governments for more support. Like many Councils, we’re facing challenges with growing asset backlogs, rising material costs and limited funding, which makes it harder to keep up with essential road repairs. I encourage you to stay informed about roadworks in your place by visiting This webpage provides up-to-date information about road works across Port Stephens. For details on major road projects, visit We’re committed to investing in safer, more reliable roads that build a more connected Port Stephens – one that better supports our residents, businesses, and visitors. We’ll continue working together to create an improved road network for everyone. By Port Stephens Mayor Leah ANDERSON