Free Youth Week activities in Gloucester for people aged 12 – 24

YOUTH Week is an annual event held in April that offers free activities for individuals aged 12 to 24 across the MidCoast region.

This year, Youth Week celebrates the unique strengths of young people, recognising that they have the potential to be future influencers, leaders, and decision-makers, both individually and collectively.

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MidCoast Council funds various events in the region, including The Big Night In and mural painting at Gloucester.

Musicians, actors, comedians, soloists, and groups aged 12 to 24 are encouraged to showcase their talents at The Big Night In on Saturday, 12 April, at the outdoor stage space at Gloucester Creatives.

Performers unsure about what material to present can attend support sessions at Gloucester Creatives on Wednesday, 26 March, and Wednesday, 2 April, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.

These sessions will allow potential performers to explore various options, including monologues, scenes, poems, or comedy sketches, and rehearse their selections on stage.

“It is a chance for young people to celebrate their talents in front of friends and family,” said Charlie Lethbridge, GACCI Arts Administrator.

Jasmine Van Aalst, the Creatives’ Youth Week co-ordinator, told NOTA, “We are looking forward to having young people who have never performed before get up on the stage.

“There is loads of support for novice performers which we hope will encourage young people to give performing a go.”

Young artists can also collaborate with professional visual artist Gemma Stylz to design and paint a mural which will go on display at Gloucester Creatives.

Participants will plan the mural on Sunday, 13 April, and paint it the following day, Monday, 14 April.

All events are free, but interested individuals must register.

Please visit the GACCI or MidCoast Council websites for more information and registration details.


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