Free Heart foundation Walking Plan Available Online

Your NOTA reporter Marian Sampson is often seen out walking. “It doesn’t matter where I am these days I walk everyday – and I feel better for it.” Photo by Marian Sampson.


THE Heart Foundation is developing a series of walking plans tailored to meet people’s goals and health.

There is a simple online form to complete on the Heart Foundation website, and once complete you will receive your plan via email.

I signed up for the challenge – two years after I started walking for weight loss which has been very successful.

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Week One’s focus is to increase activity with several short walks which will increase your sense of wellbeing and overall health.

Depending on what you answer in the questionnaire your week one could look like four short walks of around 45 minutes in duration.

The walks are also scaled in intensity.

This varies from easy and light intensity to intensity that makes it hard to hold a conversation while walking.

Each walk also includes stretching.

The guide shows each stretch and suggests that you move into each one gradually and hold it for around 30 seconds.

Each plan also includes some basic strength and balance moves, like wall push ups.

The Heart Foundation website tells us, “If you give the strength exercises a go and they’re really not for you, don’t worry.

“Refocus and replace each strength session with some Pilates or yoga, or gardening or other household tasks that require a bit of effort.

“The aim is to move your muscles more and keep building on your progress – which means there’s more than one way to achieve your goals.”

The program goes for 6 weeks and offers tips on how to be healthier.

Participants are reminded that if they experience any chest pain or have difficulty breathing or become unwell during any physical activity, to stop and seek advice from your doctor or health care team.

Week 6 of the personal plan makes the walks a bit longer and may invite you to try a higher intensity strength challenge.

For me walking has seen me lose weight and the Heart Foundations personalised plan looks like a great way to start if you are unsure of what you need to do to get moving.



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