Forestry Corporation, Singh balancing on a shaky branch

DEAR News of the Area

In your publication dated 15 July, re ‘Kalang Residents Concerned about Logging Expansion’, the article states that the member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said the Kalang River Forest Alliance’s fears are unfounded.

He went on to say: “There are strict rules and regulations to protect the environment backed by a rigorous enforcement regime.”

It is common knowledge that Forestry Corporation has breached and continues to breach the rules and environmental laws when logging in our state forests.

It appears Forestry Corporation has total disregard for the “strict rules and regulations” that Gurmesh Singh says are in place to protect the environment, given its practices depict a careless disregard for our forests and environmental law.

The Nature Conservation Council (NCC) recently said that Forestry Corporation NSW is a repeat offender, with nine alleged major breaches since April 2020 resulting in prosecution and fines running into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

NCC, Chief Executive Chris Gambian stated that in the past four weeks alone (June/July), FCNSW have spent $530,600 on fines and legal costs for serious breaches of environmental protection laws.

Why is Gurmesh Singh defending a government agency that consistently breaks the law?

Why is Forestry Corporation determined to log the Kalang Headwaters knowing full well the damage that inevitably results particularly to the river, the wildlife, including koalas and the flora?

“As there are two million hectares of plantations in Australia – more than enough to meet all our wood needs – there is no justifiable reason for the Kalang to be logged. Or for its wildlife to be decimated.” – Bob Brown.

Kathryn EDMUNDS,

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