Food Growing Course at Community Garden

Grow-your-own food advocate Peter Lewis.

FROM food resiliency to eating homegrown veggies, gardening advocate Peter Lewis is on a mission to get everyone growing their own.

The hands-on veggie producer from Park Beach has developed a free urban gardening course that encourages and educates beginners.

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Every Tuesday morning at Combine Street Community Garden, Peter will be giving practical tips and strategies to get the most out of home gardening.

“Rather than a lecture, each session will provide practical ways to get your garden to be productive and sustainable,” he told News Of The Area.

“We’ll examine why plants look good and what we need to get good results.

“We’re encouraging everyone to bring their home-grown produce to swap or show, or to ask advice on what’s going right or wrong.”

At lunch, the group will make up meals using seasonally available fruit and veggies grown at the gardens or brought from home.

“It’ll be a great way to get involved with others while learning how easy food production is.”

Peter is encouraging people with different cultural backgrounds to be involved.

“We’d like to be able to share and learn how they prepare their food and plant varieties that are different to traditional western cooking.”

The sessions will start around 9am every Tuesday and go through to lunchtime.


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