Five new cops for Kempsey-Nambucca Nambucca Valley Nambucca Valley by News Of The Area - Modern Media - December 13, 2024 Five new probationary constables have begun work across Kempsey and Nambucca. FIVE new probationary constables have commenced duties in the Mid North Coast Police District, with four assigned to Kempsey and one to Nambucca Valley. The officers, part of Class 364, were among 298 probationary constables who graduated from the Goulburn Police Academy on 6 December, marking the completion of eight months of foundational training. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – Member for Oxley Michael Kemp welcomed the new police officers to Oxley, expressing how essential their presence is for the region. “Our communities in Oxley have been crying out for more police on the ground, and these recruits couldn’t come at a better time,” Mr Kemp said. “The Regional Crime Inquiry, held here in Oxley in October, made it evident the urgent need for proactive measures to tackle escalating crime rates. “Our community has endured too much. We have heard too many stories of repeated break-ins, fear in our own streets, and businesses struggling to cope with theft and damage. “These officers will help restore a sense of safety and order that our families, our mum and dad businesses, our elderly, and our children deserve.” Across the state NSW Police has this week welcomed 298 new Probationary Constables, marking a historic moment as the largest class to graduate in a decade. A total of 57 Probationary Constables will join the Force in the Northern Region, which covers from the Central Coast to the Queensland border. Class 364 attested at the Goulburn Police Academy after completing eight months of training in the Constable Education Program (CEP). The program includes four months of distance learning followed by four months of intensive training at the Academy. Following their graduation, the recruits will embark on 12 months of on-the-job training and will be deployed across metropolitan and regional communities from this week. Class 364 comprises 218 men and 80 women aged between 18 and 52, with five recruits receiving awards for outstanding academic or physical achievements. This is the third class to benefit from the NSW Government’s paid study allowance during their training at the Academy. “This is a monumental day for the NSW Police,” Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism Yasmin Catley said. Class 364 is the largest attesting class in a decade – strong evidence the tide is turning on recruitment. “Next year is set to be even bigger, with more than 1,000 recruits attesting.” NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb APM congratulated the probationary constables for demonstrating the “resilience and determination needed to succeed in the NSW Police Force”. “The graduation of Class 364, the largest in 10 years, is a significant milestone in rebuilding our organisation and reflects the hard work of everyone involved. “With application numbers on the rise, I look forward to welcoming even larger classes in 2025 as we continue strengthening our ranks.”