Fire Danger Ratings Need Realistic Understanding

The official Fire Danger Ratings – not to be misinterpreted.

FIRE season is imminent, and a clear understanding of the changes to the Danger Ratings, enacted last year, is a paramount concern for the Pindimar-Tea Gardens Rural Fire Service (RFS).

“We are particularly concerned about residents from Pindimar/Bundabah, who may only see the one sign as they come into Tea Gardens to shop or visit town,” RFS Captain David Bright told NOTA.

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The solitary sign, near the Tea Gardens Skate Park along the Myall Way, only faces inbound traffic, so motorists on the typical trip in from Pindimar/Bundabah only have one chance to see it.

It is also a manually-changed version, with more modern electric versions yet to reach the area.

“Contractors for RFS are modifying electric signs starting at the Queensland border, working their way down the coast, but 200 new ones were already installed in the Sydney area,” Captain Bright explained.

The new signs all herald the 2022-updated Australian Fire Danger Rating System (AFDRS), which has been simplified to contain only four coloured areas in the familiar semi-circle, with a short text explanation, the meaning of which is not open to interpretation.

‘Green’ means ‘Moderate’ danger, ‘Plan and Prepare’ – you should have a clear plan for what you will do if a fire starts, and also be fully prepared to enact that plan.

‘Yellow’ means ‘High’ danger, and be ready to put your plan into action.

‘Orange’ means ‘Extreme’, with ‘Take action now to protect your life a property’ meaning it is time to leave, for most people.

‘Red’ means ‘Catastrophic – For your survival, leave bush fire risk areas’.

The Danger Ratings System determines how impactful a fire would be if it were to begin under the present conditions, including wind, heat, humidity and weather forecasts.

All Danger Ratings are available on the RFS website at

“There will also be heaps of information at the Pindimar Market Day on 28 October,” Captain Bright added.

The El Nino/IOD double-whammy now upon us makes Total Fire Bans a high probability, too.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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