Feedback invited on Bypass communications

RESIDENTS of Coffs Harbour are being asked for their thoughts on the Coffs bypass team’s community engagement approach.

Transport for NSW North Region Director, Anna Zycki, said the bypass team has developed a survey that gives an open forum for residents to share their experience and expectations on communication and engagement.

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“These surveys will be carried out twice yearly for the life of the project and help determine where the team is doing well and any areas that might need more focus,” Ms Zycki said.

“About 350 people completed the first survey in November last year, with many requesting more regular photography updates on construction progress.

“We received mixed feedback about traffic impacts and access changes, leading to the creation of a traffic changes safety awareness program, and more emphasis on the ‘why’ behind temporary and permanent changes.

“The team has also refined its approach to closing out complaints, explored new locations in the community information van, and prepared fact sheets on key topics of interest including dust, construction noise and vibration, and tunnelling.

A report sharing outputs from the first survey is available online at

As part of measures to keep the community updated on bypass construction and bridge building, the project team will host a series of online webinars in July.

These will be accessible at

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