Federal Government signs global Methane Pledge

NSW Farmers say the only way to reduce livestock emissions is to reduce the size of the national herd.

THE Federal Albanese Government has confirmed it will join Joe Biden’s global Methane Pledge, an attempt to cut methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030, due to concerns that climate change is increasing the frequency and potency of extreme weather events.

Australia joins 122 other countries in signing the Methane Pledge, signalling Australia’s voluntary commitment to participation in global action on methane emissions.

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National Farmers Federation Chief Executive Tony Mahar said the pledge will have no negative impacts on the agriculture sector.

“For agriculture it will reinforce our demonstrated commitment to sustainability and ongoing access key markets as an export orientated sector.

“Farmers are already leading the charge on climate action in Australia and have earned a seat at the table and the strong assurances and partnership provided by government mean the pledge will not negatively impact on farmers or the agriculture sector,” Mr Mahar said.

Concerns have been expressed across the industry regarding the impact the pledge would have on farming businesses.

Prior to the pledge being made, NSW Farmers demanded the federal government put down in writing a promise not to tax farmers for methane emissions.

NSW Farmers President Xavier Martin said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Agriculture Minister Murray Watt, Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen should all sign a statement that farmers would not be left worse off under the Methane Pledge.

“Before we go making pledges to other countries, our leaders should make a pledge to the people who grow our food and fibre,” Mr Martin said.

“We’ve been told that farmers will be excluded, but the same thing happened in New Zealand and now they’re experiencing the disastrous impact of these international agreements.

“Australia cannot afford to put global appearances ahead of our ability to feed and clothe ourselves, and our government should make an iron-clad assurance – in writing – that agriculture will not be impacted by Joe Biden’s Methane Pledge.”

According to the Federated Farmers of New Zealand, “lies, damned lies and statistics” have driven a plan to reduce on-farm greenhouse gas emissions that would see agricultural communities killed off in the name of climate change.

It claimed it was the equivalent of destroying the entire New Zealand wine industry and half the seafood industry.

Mr Martin said while there were promising trials and pieces of research being conducted to help reduce how much methane livestock produced, Australia was a long way from having commercially scalable options for ‘low methane’ livestock.

He pointed out that Australian farmers got a 1.3 percent return on assets, whereas larger food businesses such as Woolworths got a 15 percent return, so there was little room to move given farmers had already reduced emissions by more than 30 percent.

“As it stands, the only way to reduce livestock emissions is to reduce the size of the national herd,” Mr Martin said.

“Families are already feeling stress at the checkout, they will be wanting iron-clad assurances that farm production isn’t reduced.

“If the government wants to cut methane it needs to invest in research that will let us do that without impacting production.”

Mr Mahar said industry concerns are being taken seriously and have been raised with the Federal Government.

“Australian agriculture cannot and will not tolerate interventions like the New Zealand or Netherlands governments are implementing which target and undermine agriculture’s productivity.

“We welcome Government’s commitments which recognise the role farmers play in sustainably producing food and fibre and managing the landscape every day of the week as part of the ongoing emission reduction journey.”

Mr Mahar said farmers have been given assurances there will be no new taxes or regulation on livestock methane, and no reduction to agricultural production nor livestock numbers.

“This commitment recognises agriculture’s existing achievement, future plans and dedication to ongoing partnership with government to develop technology-led solutions and associated innovation.

“We are confident Australian agriculture and farmers will retain a seat at the table as the conversation continues and this dialog with government is open and dynamic

“Australia’s farm sector has already reduced its emissions by about 59 percent on 2005 levels.

“And our red meat sector is planning to be carbon neutral by 2030.”

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