Farmers seek support with on-farm action to reduce emissions

Farmers for Climate Action CEO, Dr Fiona Davis

FARMERS are calling for greater face-to-face support and information to take action on-farm to reduce emissions, according to a new poll released by Farmers for Climate Action.

Farmers for Climate Action, an organisation representing more than 7000 Australian farmers, is calling for a national policy for climate change and agriculture, and will be releasing a report on what this should include early next year.

Farmers for Climate Action CEO, Dr Fiona Davis, said the key findings of the poll of more than 550 farmers were:
● 90 percent of farmers are keen to trial new technology to reduce emissions but insufficient information and cost of finance are the two biggest barriers to change.
● 93 percent of farmers are prepared to change farming practices if it would benefit them and have a positive impact on climate change, yet 79 percent of farmers have not been involved in a practical, on farm emissions extension program.

“The survey confirmed farmers are leading the way on emissions reduction through planting trees, investing in cheap renewable energy and experimenting with seaweed feeds which reduce methane,” Dr Davis said.

“But it also signals to the government that farmers want to go further. The survey reveals opportunities to help farmers by rolling out ground staff to run carbon and methane reduction demonstration programs.

“Extension officers, who visit farms to run practical workshops, are part of the answer here.

“Farmers are also excited to embrace clean energy technologies, but are clearly looking to the government to provide support through financing options and education about what technology options are out there for farmers.

“Agriculture needs its own climate policy because, as the pandemic and recent global conflicts have demonstrated, a local food supply is not optional.”

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