THE members of the Tea Gardens Mens Shed are doing their bit to help our farmers through the State’s devastating drought.

Peter Defal told News Of The Area, “The Committee donated $500 and an additional $1,000 was raised by the members.”
Then came the decision on how to distribute the money.
“We contacted the Men’s Shed in Yoeval,” Peter said.
Yoeval is a small village in Central Western New South Wales and doing it tough, like all regions west of the ranges.
“We’d been in contact with the Yeoval group in the past.”
“They were very concerned for the farmers, farm workers and those who rely on the farmers for their income,” Peter said.
So the Tea Gardens members decided that vouchers would be a good way to go and sent the money across to be distributed through the local IGA store.
“It may only be a drop in the ocean but every little bit helps,” Peter said.
Food parcels collected and donated by the Karuah Primary School, Karuah RSL Club and the Tea Gardens/Hawks Nest Motor Club are now on their way to Tamworth.
Generous donations were received from members of the RSL, Coles at Tea Gardens, IGA Hawks Nest, Thai Temple Mandalong and Hawks Nest Newsagency.