Exercise for life

Participants in the COTA exercise program.

MIDCOAST Council is participating in new and affordable strength-and-balance exercise program for older people.

“So if you would like to move more freely and groan a little less here is the opportunity that you have been waiting for,” said Council on the Ageing (COTA) NSW chief executive Meagan Lawson.

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The ‘Living Longer, Living Stronger’ program involves individually-tailored progressive resistance training to improve people’s strength, balance and mobility.

The program has been developed by COTA Australia to provide a budget-friendly way for older people to exercise safely in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

‘The beauty of the Living Longer, Living Stronger program is that it is personally designed for each participant, and the instructors will take your specific needs and goals into consideration when preparing your program,’ said Ms Lawson.

“This means you can improve your strength at your own pace, with less risk of injury,” she said.

“Moving and getting stronger has a flow-on effect on your general quality of life.

“You’ll be better able to carry shopping and play with your grandchildren, as well as reducing the risk of falls and other injuries.”

The classes are also a great way to meet new people and reconnect with your community.

The classes are offered in two levels: Tier 1, suitable for people with complex chronic health conditions, injuries or disabilities, and Tier 2, for people with managed chronic conditions.

Anyone without major issues can of course attend the classes as well.

You can find out more about the classes which are being offered in Tea Gardens by contacting Lynn Guilhaus, 0400 404 044 or lguilhaus@bigpond.com


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