Evening VIEW Club support Aussie kids through Learning for Life program

Beryl Jones, 1st prize winner of the VIEW Christmas Raffle for 2022 with VIEW member Sheryl.

NAMBUCCA Macksville Evening VIEW Club would like to thank the community for supporting the club through the purchase of tickets in the recent Christmas raffle.

The raffle was drawn by Director Ken Walker at the Macksville Ex-Services Club on Friday night, 9 December.

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First prize was won by Beryl Jones from Fairway Gardens with second prize going to Elizabeth Newman and third prize to Thelma Scott.

“All funds raised will go to the six Aussie kids we sponsor through The Smith Family’s Learning for Life Program,” said Robyn Mattick, Nambucca Macksville Evening VIEW Club.

“With the rising cost of petrol, groceries, and housing, families are being forced to make impossible decisions about where they spend their dollars each week, leaving children at risk of missing out on basic school items such as uniforms, books and devices needed for learning.

“At a time when children are still dealing with the impacts of COVID and catching up on missed learning, the
ripple effect of these added financial pressures at home could set them back even further.

“This is why we are so passionate about supporting the work of The Smith Family because its evidence-based approach helps children experiencing disadvantage to overcome the educational inequality they face.

“We support children for the duration of their education, and this helps them build the confidence and skills
needed to create better futures for themselves,

There are two View Clubs in the Nambucca Valley.

Nambucca Macksville Evening VIEW Club meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 5.30 pm.

Contact nmevc123@gmail.com or call Robyn on 0400 451 874.

Nambucca River Day VIEW Club meet on the fourth Monday of the month at 11am.

For more information contact nambuccariverviewclub1975@gmail.com or call Marion on 02 65 648 897.

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