ETC announces Damon Munt as new CEO

Damon Munt is ETC’s new chief executive.

ENTERPRISE and Training Company (ETC), headquartered in Coffs Harbour, has appointed a new chief executive, Damon Munt, as Jenny Barnett retires from the post.

“I’m really excited to be stepping into the role of CEO and leading the team that takes ETC into the future,” Mr Munt said.

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“I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Jenny Barnett for her outstanding contribution to ETC over the past 18 years.

“Under Jenny’s leadership, ETC has grown from a small organisation delivering employment and training services from eight offices on the Mid North Coast to a large and mature enterprise servicing customers from 44 offices throughout both NSW and QLD.”

Damon Munt has been ETC’s chief operations officer for the past eight years and celebrates his 25th anniversary in the employment services industry this year.

Mr Munt said ETC remained committed to helping local unemployed people find meaningful and sustainable employment, along with developing students’ vocational skills and helping aspiring new businesses reach their goals.

Jenny, who lives in Coffs said beginning work with ETC 18 years ago, it had been wonderful watching the company grow.

“I’m especially proud of our major expansion last year, where we opened 25 new offices in six new regions across NSW and QLD,” she said.

“ETC’s success is a testament to our hardworking and passionate workforce, senior management team and board of directors.

“I am confident that ETC will continue to shine under the leadership of Mr Munt, and I look forward to seeing what the company achieves in the future.”

ETC was founded in Coffs Harbour 34 years ago.

The first office opened in one of the mud brick huts behind Centrelink in Coffs Harbour.

“With our head office still based in Coffs Harbour, ETC is proud to remain a regionally focused company,” said Mr Munt.

“As a registered charity, ETC is proud to continue helping organisations reduce disadvantage, generate opportunity, increase support services and/or build capacity in the communities in which we operate through local community grants,” he said.


Jenny Barnett retires as ETC chief executive after 18 years with the company.

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