Englands Park Esplanade Foreshore to be refurbished and upgraded

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh and Coffs Harbour City Council’s Director of Sustainable Infrastructure Mick Raby at the Coffs Creek funding announcement. Photo: David Tune.


THE popular Englands Park, at the end of Edgar Street behind the Dolphin Marine Conservation Park, will benefit from the construction of engineered coastal protection works including a new boardwalk and rock wall erosion protection.

A grant of $988,000 from the State Government Coastal and Estuary Grant Program will be matched by funding from Coffs Harbour City Council to give around $2m for the improvements.

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Coffs Harbour City Council’s Director of Sustainable Infrastructure, Mick Raby said, “This grant, along with Council’s own matched funding, will allow us to improve the appearance and prevent further erosion of the bank at this popular spot on Coffs Creek, while also helping maintain natural habitats and provide an improved visitor experience.

“The project will include a new pedestrian access path and a new rock retaining wall designed to withstand natural coastal processes.

“The structure has been designed by specialist coastal engineers and will serve to protect a key piece of popular recreational land and infrastructure into the future.”

Mr Raby told News Of The Area that, “Approving this funding support will probably be one of the first decisions to be discussed by the new Council in February next year.”

It is anticipated that the specially designed rock wall will stop severe coastal erosion along the edge of the creek, with an upgrade to the boardwalk enhancing the enjoyment of the area for the local community.

The existing boat ramp will be retained, continuing access to the estuary area.


By David TUNE

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