Endurance sportswoman Monique Bortoli celebrates 50th birthday with ultra marathon for charity Port POPUP - DAupdate Port Stephens by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 9, 2025 Monique Bortoli pushing through the gruelling run leg of the Ultra Woman event AFTER training and planning for over eighteen months, Port Stephens local Monique Bortoli competed in a gruelling 530km three-day Ultra Woman event while celebrating her 50th birthday. Monique’s coach and dietician worked to build her physical and mental endurance so she could master the incredible distances and inevitable sugar rush of that welcome piece of dual, celebratory cake. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – media@newsofthearea.com.au The three-discipline event included shedding sweat and triumphant tears across local terrain, swimming 10kms, bike riding 420kms and running 100kms. Monique’s valiant efforts raised $10,000 for Harbour Combat Sports in honour of her airforce-serving husband Ben, who is a student at HCS. HCS is a not-for-profit organisation providing sponsorships for physically and mentally wounded veterans and first responders to train in Brazilian Jujitsu as a therapeutic treatment for PTSD and other issues. Monique’s inspiration and impetus in undertaking such a bold challenge is ultimately because of the change she sees in her husband when he trains and the euphoric feeling she gets from participating in endurance sports. “Ben lights up with jujitsu,” Monique told News Of The Area. “His confidence builds, he is more present with our family, he gains clarity and freedom, he stands taller, he believes in himself more, he raises his own ceiling and has a safe place to train, hang with mates and achieve his goals with the support of a likeminded team. “For that I am grateful.” During the event, riding against a wall of wind with her music cranking, Monique admits she didn’t really think about anything in particular, other than “what’s wrong with me that I enjoy this pain”. A “get it done” competitor, she attributes her pledge to ongoing self-improvement and change to the incredible circle of women around her. Intimately understanding the value of taking one step at a time because it was literally left foot, right foot during the run struggle, Monique feels compelled to raise funds so that veterans accessing the program at HCS get the help that works for them. To see or contribute to Monique’s fundraising events visit www.gofund.me/668446a0. By Jacie WHITFIELD A quick pit stop, not a bike throw, for Monique Bortoli during one of her lengthy rides. Occasionally gulping in air, Monique Bortoli pounds her way through a 100km run.