Emergency Services update for Port Stephens

Members from the Williamtown/Salt Ash Brigade at their training session. Photo: Williamtown/Salt Ash Fire Brigade.

RFS Scam

It has been brought to the attention of the Medowie Rural Fire Brigade that scammers are at it again.

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A member of the community received a text message claiming they were from ‘Bush Fire Safe’ and would be deducting money from their account.

A representative from the Brigade says thankfully the receiver of the message recognised what it was and deleted the message straight away.

“It is a timely reminder that scammers will use anything to get money off people and coming into fire season, this seems to be the path they are taking.”

The Brigade says the Rural Fire Service (and other emergency services) may fundraise from time to time, but they do not call or text the community requesting money or deducting money from bank accounts.

Williamtown/Salt Ash Training

This Saturday’s training session for Williamtown/Salt Ash Fire Brigade involved members working on arrivals and setting up procedures when attending incidents.

Each crew member got the chance to perform different roles within the crew and work with new people in the Brigade.

AIDER Program

Did you know the NSW Rural Fire Service offers a one-off service to support some of our most at-risk community members in preparing their property?

The AIDER program is designed to assist elderly and disabled residents living in bush fire prone land in preparing their homes ahead of the fire season.

AIDER services can involve clearing the gutters, removing debris or thinning vegetation.

For more information or to register, visit the RFS website: www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-prepare/aider

Fire Season Begins

The Bush Fire Danger Period begins this weekend, running from 1 October to 31 March.

If you are planning to light a fire in the open during this time, you will need a Fire Permit.

Fire Permits help ensure fire is used safely during the Bush Fire Danger Period by imposing conditions on the way a fire is lit and maintained, and can only be issued by authorised Permit Issuing Officers.

The permit system ensures agencies like the NSW RFS know when and where landholders intend to burn, to ensure adequate and appropriate measures are in place, and so that fires remain under control.

To obtain a permit, contact your local Brigade for more information.


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