Emergency Service Update for Myall Lakes

Yaccaba hazard reduction burn during the past week. Photo: Tara Campbell.

Hazard Reduction Burn

This week NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service conducted a successful hazard reduction burn on Yaccaba Headland.

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Hazard reduction burns are planned burns to reduce overall fuel loads.

These burns are the result of careful planning, consultation and monitoring, as well as a rigorous approval process.

Hazard reduction burns are part of the NSW Government’s state-wide approach to address predicted worsening fire weather conditions and climate change.

Outside Heaters

Fire and Rescue NSW this week said heaters and barbeque grills meant for use outdoors should stay outside.

“Outdoor heaters and barbecues produce carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas you can’t see, taste or smell,” said FRNSW Commissioner Paul Baxter.

“When it builds up inside your home, carbon monoxide gas can kill without warning,” Mr Baxter said.

For advice about potential carbon monoxide poisoning, call the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26.

In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.

Farewell Group Captain

Last weekend the NSW RFS Lower Hunter District farewelled Group Captain John Russell.

John has served in this role for many years, has travelled far and wide chasing smoke and been involved in fighting large fires around Port Stephens.

John is also heavily involved in education, having assessed many locals in their bids to become Breathing Apparatus Operators.

As he takes up his new role of District Manager at Albury in the Southern Border District he and his family were wished well.

Australasian Rescue Challenge

On Tuesday 20 July, one of the NSW SES – Port Stephens Unit rescue teams headed off to the 2022 Australasian Rescue Challenge in Tamworth.

The Challenge is a multi-day competition testing road-rescue and trauma-response skills.

After scoring highly in the 2022 NSW Road Crash Rescue Challenge in Dubbo in May, the team was awarded the opportunity to compete at a national level for the first time.


Group Captain John Russell is leaving the Lower Hunter to head to Albury. Photo: Soliders Point Rural Fire Brigade.

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