Dying to Know event welcomes community questions about death and dying in Bellingen

Leonie and Chuck, founders of Barefoot Funerals


DYING to Know is an information event by Bellingen’s Barefoot Funerals with the purpose of providing answers to all the questions you could possibly have related to dying.

Leonie Watson, co-founder of Barefoot Funerals, with husband Chuck, wanted to create a fun event that welcomes anyone and everyone with their questions about death.

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In today’s world the subject of death tends to be touched upon rather than discussed openly, leaving many people with questions about the processes involved when a loved one passes.

“Questions might be about shrouds, woven coffins, what can we do and what can’t we do for funerals, and if a family can keep a person at home, and for how long,” Leonie told News Of The Area.

“We can talk about photographing your dead or dying person, how long it takes to decompose, how we go about dressing someone for their coffin.”

Dying to Know brings together a group of local Coffs Coast professionals with years of experience across funerals: Miindala, Barefoot Funerals, Sim Elizabeth Death Doula, Lissa Carmela Death Doula and Gaby The Funeral Photographer.

“People can ask us about death doulas, bedside vigils, interment of ashes, grief and bereavement support, and share our perspective on some of the less well-known processes around death.”

Chuck will be sharing his natural empathetic and professional way, giving attendees at Dying to Know honest and straightforward advice and support on all aspects of care.

He believes that everyone deserves affordable, gentle and dignified service.

Barefoot Funerals say theirs is the old traditional method, where the family is involved if they wish.

“We believe in choice and our service is to offer a kind, gentle approach,” said Leonie.

“We help create inspirational and affordable funerals, tailoring everything we do to support the family in saying goodbye in an authentic way.”

Dying to Know is on Saturday 21 August at 2pm, at Tree-o Gallery, Raleigh.




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